Blizzard Warning! Counties Affected and a Handy-Dandy Radar Map

December 25, 2010

So, it’s Christmas night and we’re on the brink of what looks to be a pretty significant storm. Blizzard is the buzz word of the moment with a warning for the Greater Boston Area: Plymouth, Norfolk, Bristol, and Essex counties. It even reaches to southern Worcester county.

Then, as you go south of Boston toward the Cape, the blizzard-ness of the storm decreases into what I guess weathermen would call a “Really Bad Storm”.

Check out this map to see the forecasted accumulations.

Here’s a list of the current watches and warnings from 7News.

So, when they say blizzard warning, that means stay home. Don’t go out. If you think you have to go out, think twice. It’s not worth risking it. And even if you drive a 4×4, you are not Superman. Don’t try to be.

After the storm passes though, we should remember that MA just passed the new legislature that homeowner’s are absolutely liable for slips and falls on their property. Make sure to shovel your driveway or have a close friend/family member do it for you. Sand it and add dirt for traction to avoid these instances. If you take these precautions, you will have acted “reasonably”. For more information on this legislation, read my recent post on it or just read this blurb below:

Homeowners and businessowners need to abide by the clause, “act like a reasonable person.” What do they mean? Expense of snow removal and Seriousness/probability of harm are factors in deciding if a person/homeowner acted reasonably. It is a retroactive rule, therefore applicable to all pending claims with a 3-year statute of limitations.

For a list of safe driving tips, check out‘s. It’s pretty comprehensive (AKA really long), but you should still read it. If you have a short attention span, skim it, get the gist that you shouldn’t drive, and stay home. 🙂

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